Take a look inside The R&D Community
Find out why more than 200 R&D experts have already invested in training and support from The R&D Community.
Watch the free webinar to find out:
- Why now is the perfect moment to start taking R&D tax relief training
- How our Support Team can help with claims, enquiries and improving standards
- What you’ll discover inside our vibrant members’ community.
We’ll also give you a detailed look inside our training platform so you can see how it all works in practice.

"One-of-a-kind R&D training and support"
Press play to watch our free product demonstration.
Ready to sign up?
Now you’ve had a look at our training, support and community, we hope you have all the information you need to decide to join us! If you’re ready to sign up now, hit the button below to select your membership type and get started right away.
If you have more questions, you can also set up a call to speak directly to our team. We can help discuss your requirements and work out which type of membership is the best fit for your organisation.
Buy membershipThe R&D Community Prospectus
Our prospectus contains a summary of all this information including courses, pricing and our support and community benefits.
If you need to consider your options, or get others in your team onboard with joining, this free booklet gives you everything you need.
Why invest in R&D tax relief training?
James Lizars
For a small accounting practice operating in an R&D intensive niche, having everything in-house for a full and compliant R&D service is tough.The community, the helpline, the second-set of eyes, and the training modules have all proved to be invaluable. They’ve provided clarity and confidence in how we’re advising our clients and given us access to expert additional resource when we’ve needed it.
Jonathon Yeomans
It’s an incredibly useful addition to our internal R&D training programme, accessible 24/7, which helps to consolidate R&D learning by testing the candidate’s knowledge on all aspects of the scheme as they progress.
It’s also a valuable additional to our “belt and braces” approach of ensuring that all our customer-facing staff have the deepest knowledge of the R&D tax scheme possible.
Susan Parker
This community of professionals is exemplary, and the information provided in the training would help many people grasp the concept of R&D and its complexities. I highly recommend this to any R&D Advisor.
Simon Aitken
I really wish I had access to this years ago, it has confirmed many things I believed were correct but wasn’t certain of, and also given me some additional information too.