Course Catalogue

An Advisors Essential Guide to the Merged R&D Scheme

Learning outcomes

Our free course will help you to:

  • Understand how the new Merged R&D Scheme works and when to claim under it
  • Work confidently with complex areas of the new scheme
  • Update your processes with the new rules and requirements for R&D tax relief claims and advisors.
Take this course

Key details

Availability Available to all
Cost Free
CPD points 2
Level Foundation
Best for Anyone preparing R&D claims, submitting R&D claims, or discussing R&D claims with clients and prospects.

How to complete HMRC's Additional Information Forms

Learning outcomes

In this course, we take you through the most important aspects of the form. We will:

  • explain the structure of the form and how to answer HMRC’s questions,
  • give you detailed guidance on what to write in the free-text boxes,
  • provide templates you can use with your clients to gather the necessary information.
Buy this course

Key details

Availability Available to all
Cost £295+VAT
CPD points 2
Level Foundation
Best for Anyone preparing R&D claims, or submitting R&D claims.

Establishing Eligibility - How to discuss R&D with clients

Learning outcomes

This course gives you everything you need to be able to explain the R&D scheme’s eligibility requirements to clients. You’ll have:

  • A sound understanding of the key information that HMRC expects to see within a claim
  • A simple, effective methodology for talking to clients about R&D and recording that information in a structured way
  • Downloadable resources that help you prepare your clients and produce clear and robust technical narratives to support a claim.
Buy this course

Key details

Availability Available to all
Cost £295+VAT
CPD points 2
Level Foundation
Best for Anyone preparing R&D claims, submitting R&D claims, or discussing R&D claims with clients and prospects.

Qualifying Leads for R&D Tax Relief

Learning outcomes

In this course we cover:

  • The basic screening checks that you should ask every prospect,
  • Competent Professionals and the information you need to get from them,
  • Why grants and subcontracting arrangements can affect a claim’s risk level,
  • The 5 different R&D schemes and what companies can expect back from each,
  • Tips on how to reject clients diplomatically.
Buy this course

Key details

Availability Available to all
Cost £295+VAT
CPD points 2
Level Foundation
Best for Anyone preparing R&D claims or discussing R&D claims with clients and prospects.

Members-only courses

Subcontracting: The rules & how they're applied in practice

Learning outcomes

In this course we cover:

  • The rules for an SME subcontracting all or part of its R&D
  • The rules for connected subcontractors
  • What makes companies connected
  • The problem of ‘double-dipping’, and HMRC’s approach to avoiding it
  • Contracts, activities vs services, and routine work
  • The rules for Large Companies
Explore this course

Key details

Availability Available to members
Cost View membership pricing
CPD points 2
Level Advanced
Best for Anyone preparing R&D claims.

Qualifying Costs & Apportionments

Learning outcomes

The course covers each of the following subjects in detail:

  • Staffing and software costs
  • Externally Provided Workers and Subcontractors
  • Materials & Utilities
  • Clinical Trial Subjects
  • SME costs vs RDEC costs
  • Costs that can’t be claimed
Explore this course

Key details

Availability Available to members
Cost View membership pricing
CPD points 2
Level Foundation
Best for Anyone preparing R&D claims, submitting R&D claims, or discussing R&D claims with clients and prospects.

A Guide to Eligibility in Software (Part 1 of 2)

Learning outcomes

After taking this course, you’ll be more able to distinguish between companies with eligible projects, and those which shouldn’t be claiming. This should give you more confidence when talking to software clients, and stronger, more defensible claims.

Explore this course

Key details

Availability Available to members
Cost View membership pricing
CPD points 2
Level Foundation
Best for Anyone preparing R&D claims, submitting R&D claims, or discussing R&D claims with clients and prospects.

A Guide to Eligibility in Software (Part 2 of 2)

Learning outcomes

After taking this course, you’ll be equipped to recognise the 11 common scenarios that arise with software claims. This will help you to manage clients’ expectations and to work out whether a claim ‘belongs’ to the company commissioning the work, or to the specialist subcontractor charged with building the system.

Explore this course

Key details

Availability Available to members
Cost View membership pricing
CPD points 2
Level Advanced
Best for Anyone preparing R&D claims.

A Guide to Eligibility in Construction

Learning outcomes

Our aim is to help you understand how the Construction industry is organised, and where to find R&D. By the end of the course, you will:

  • feel more comfortable talking to Construction clients,
  • know when to push back on those who shouldn’t be claiming.
Explore this course

Key details

Availability Available to members
Cost View membership pricing
CPD points 2
Level Foundation
Best for Anyone preparing R&D claims, submitting R&D claims, or discussing R&D claims with clients and prospects.

How to Build Strong Ethics & Good Marketing Practice into your R&D Service

Learning outcomes

This course will:

  • Explain HMRC’s Standard for Agents & PCRT, and how those apply to you when preparing R&D claims
  • Provide practical tips on how to centre your R&D service on your ethics, and the business benefits that this brings
  • Discuss good and bad practice when talking the R&D scheme, your service, your customers, and your relationship with HMRC.
Explore this course

Key details

Availability Available to members
Cost View membership pricing
CPD points 2
Level Foundation
Best for Anyone preparing R&D claims, submitting R&D claims, or discussing R&D claims with clients and prospects.