Accountancy & R&D Tax Relief – The Basics
About the course
After taking this course, you’ll have a solid understanding of the basic tax and accountancy principles that underpin R&D tax relief. You’ll be able to explain how the scheme works to clients, talk more knowledgeably with accountants, and write more accurate marketing materials to promote your company’s service.
This will help you to work more effectively with your client and their accountants, provide an efficient service and spot any potential errors that might reduce the claim value.
Course Outline
This course covers:
- Corporation tax and its impact on R&D tax relief claims
- An overview of the 5 different schemes available to claimants
- Key deadlines and timeframes during the claim process
- Common and costly errors to avoid in claim preparation

Andrea Konta
I particularly liked seeing examples of accounting calculations and having to do them to get more familiar with theoretical aspects of work.
Jonathon Yeomans
It’s an incredibly useful addition to our internal R&D training programme, accessible 24/7, which helps to consolidate R&D learning by testing the candidate’s knowledge on all aspects of the scheme as they progress.
It’s also a valuable additional to our “belt and braces” approach of ensuring that all our customer-facing staff have the deepest knowledge of the R&D tax scheme possible.
Lisa Donald
Would highly recommend to everyone working in R&D no matter your role. Being on the commercial side of things it is imperative that you know who you are selling to and what qualifies. Businesses you are selling to, and work for, are at risk if you do not understand the fundamentals.
What does this course cover?
The course is structured as a series of short videos, with a brief quiz after each one, to test your knowledge.
Ready to take the course?
Course stats
assessment questions
verifiable CPD points
Meet your instructor
Karen is a Chartered Accountant who has specialised in providing R&D tax relief advice since 2015. She has prepared many claims for a variety of qualifying businesses and says the most difficult aspect of this work is marrying up the clients’ understanding of what qualifies to HMRC specific definition and then presenting the claim in a concise yet informative manner.
Karen joined the R&D Community first as a member and then more recently as part of the team as the R&D Specialist. She has a shared vision of a fair and functional R&D consultancy market, in which competent, knowledgeable, and ethical R&D advisers thrive. Her role within The R&D Community is to help build out the core package of training courses which will eventually lead to the first UK accredited qualification for R&D advisers.