Qualifying Leads for R&D Tax Relief
Course Description
Learning outcomes
In this course we cover:
- The basic screening checks that you should ask every prospect,
- The 5 different R&D schemes and what companies can expect back from each,
- Competent Professionals and the information you need to get from them,
- Why grants and subcontracting arrangements can affect a claim’s risk level,
- Tips on how to reject clients diplomatically.
Ready to take the course?
12 months access to this training course for each user.
Brendan Katzke
It has given me a deeper understanding of some of the technical aspects of an R&D claim (being primarily involved in the financial side at the moment). Also, it has validated some of the processes we currently have in place yet spotlighted areas for improvement. It was also very practical and has given my various tips to incorporate in our business.
Callum McCusker
I would recommend this course as it provides a good overview of streamlining the engagement process.
Simon Bulteel
It has reinforced what we are already doing, but also provided some useful tips on how to say no. You have also made the complexity of 5 R&D schemes very understandable! Obviously there is a huge more in the detail of the legislation but for a foundation course I think this is pitched at about the right level!
Campbell Black
This course just confirms that R&D tax advice is a complex area now that there are five possible schemes all in action at present. I think the very useful thing I learned was to make sure that prospects are given CIRD 81900 and GfC 2 and 3 as an absolute minimum to help them understand where HMRC are coming from in terms of R&D claims.
What does this course cover?
The course is structured as a series of short videos, with a brief quiz after each one, to test your knowledge.
Ready to take the course?
Course Stats
video lessons
assessment questions
verifiable CPD units
Watch one of the course videos for free!
Lesson 4: Competent Professionals
In this video we’ll explain what is meant by ‘Competent Professional’ when it comes to R&D Tax Relief, and how to determine if your prospective client has one who can support their claim.